Monday, December 15, 2014

My Future Vision

My future hopes,dreams,and desires. Designed by Susana G. ©2014
One thing we all know that is necessary in this patriotic nation is that in order to "survive" you need a job or career. The thing is,I don't want a job. I want a career. I've noticed a few problems with this country and it would be such an honor to help fix them,that is why I have decided to be a politician in the US congress once I grow up and graduate from college.  Helping this country is one thing that I am determined to do. This is what I am thinking of doing.
In my eighth grade English class for 6th period we watched a documentary called Happy. It was about what brings us happiness and what brings our moods down. There is no doubt that one goal everyone has is to be happy for the most of their long or not so long life. It would be very strange,however,if someones hopes for the complete opposite. To me happiness is anything that makes you feel better and fulfills your dreams. I just want to make the most of it and have fun as long as I could.
After I graduate college (hopefully my current choice), I do not want all the knowledge I have gained from my years in school to fade away. That would be years wasted. One goal I have is to remember all that I have learned in school and to learn even more things as well. Without it,I do not know where I would be and where I could end up. Perhaps I could learn things I have never thought about before. You never know what's going to happen.
When I am old and grey,my hope is that I will accomplish everything I ever wanted in life. I want to be able to tell the future generation what I've been through and what I've done. Not having an interesting story to tell would obviously bore others and even me. I just don't want my life to be known as a disappoint or even worse,a failure.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The World Would Be a Better Place if...

PTSA, The world would be a better place if... 

   One thing I've noticed about this society is that most people haven't noticed or even cared about the problems caused by global warming. From melting glaciers to climate change,it sadly hasn't opened our eyes even a little bit. We have watched so many documentaries in my second period Biology on global warming and the changing environment that it has scared me even more about the coming future. Don't be thankful if you spot a bundle of birds you've never seen before around your area,their habitat is probably changing or in danger.
  To most people it may be a surprise that this took a bit long to make. The rough draft was easy but as soon I needed a text things went a little out of hand. My graphics teacher, Mr.Dahms should us a website that included tutorials on Illustrator,Photooshop and so much more.  The tutorial where I have found my inspiration could be found here.
Melted Crème,designed by Susana G. ©2014